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in Italy

Who am I?

Hi there, I'm Magda from Poland, residing in Italy since 2014.

My migration experience helped me a lot with setting my own project. You have to be flexible, outgoing, to think out of the box and to not be afraid to leave your comfort zone!
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My name is Magda, I'm 31 and I come from central Europe. I have been living in Italy for the last ten years, where I have worked mostly in the catering industry. Despite the fact that I studied Italian for two years before arrival, the language barrier caused me a lot of problems, and it wasn't easy to put me into the working world at the beginning. I got a job as a dishwasher where speaking fluently wasn't necessary. I continued to learn the language myself and took part in various courses and trainings. After few years I got a professional qualification degree as a receptionist in Bari Gesfor school and I've started to work as a receptionist in a 4 star hotel. It was this particular experience which gave me the idea to open my own B&B. I started thinking about setting up my own business when I became a mother. I believed that being an enterpreneur would, for one, adjust my working schedule to fit in with my family life where I don't have to compromise on my priorities and I'm involved with my kid as much as possible. After renovating and preparing the location before the summer season to start my activity, I started up my B&B about one month ago being aware that this is exactly my professional aspiration and I trust I can be successful.

My top tip! Don't be afraid of the challenge!

I started thinking about setting up my own business when I became a mother. I believed that being an enterpreneur would, for one, adjust my working schedule to fit in with my family life where I don't have to compromise on my priorities and I'm involved with my kid as much as possible.

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